
Take a beach vacation

     Have you ever relaxed on a beach? Have you ever had the beach infront of you? Now's your chance, just find a qualifying vacancy, and book now with Ante & Andrew's Beachfront. Everyday will be the most beautiful by essentially plunging into the most refreshing parts of the Adriatic Sea.

Filling the gaps in


Have you ever spent a vacation on a beach? Have you ever just relaxed, away from the chaotic city life? Now's your chance to enrich your life on the beach, by reserving a holiday with Villa Ivana. Breathe in the lovely fragrance of the Adriatic Sea because it will greet your nice views when you wake up, in the mornings. Over a week stay at Villa Ivana is highly recommended, to get the best of it.

Croatian Sensation


     Are you tired of the noisy cities? Would you just like to relax on a remote beach, away from the crowd? Then welcome to Villa Ivana, a beach house to satisfy your quested desires. Feel the gusts of wind flow through your hair, at times. Feel free to do what you want on the vast beach of Villa Ivana's Beachfront, it includes a runway into the Adriatic Sea.

Meandering for a top vacation?


     Experience the fine tasting Croatian Wine and most delicious foods, of all kinds. At Villa Ivana, feel so much freedom to do whatever you want, just have fun on the beach. Croatia offers wine-tasting tours that rival those of both France and Italy. Thanks to the perfect vine-growing climate in the Danube region, Croatian vineyards are able to produce great-tasting wine that is wildly underrated.


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