explore the horizon

Meandering for a top vacation?


     Experience the fine tasting Croatian Wine and most delicious foods, of all kinds. At Villa Ivana, feel so much freedom to do whatever you want, just have fun on the beach. Croatia offers wine-tasting tours that rival those of both France and Italy. Thanks to the perfect vine-growing climate in the Danube region, Croatian vineyards are able to produce great-tasting wine that is wildly underrated.

More amenities offered with the Villa Ivana Beachfront apartments rental


     Only at these Villa Ivana Beachfront apartments can you go for a free ride with a kayak, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEjRHUfM5og&t=13s. it is like you are in control of the horizon, when you paddle. The Orange is to just ride wherever with only one person.

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