Filling the gaps in

Have you ever spent a vacation on a beach? Have you ever just relaxed, away from the chaotic city life? Now's your chance to enrich your life on the beach, by reserving a holiday with Villa Ivana. Breathe in the lovely fragrance of the Adriatic Sea because it will greet your nice views when you wake up, in the mornings. Over a week stay at Villa Ivana is highly recommended, to get the best of it.

In Apartment 1 (the biggest apartment) can hold approximately eight people, is vacant through the rest of September. It would be so lovely to fill those gaps in, September has wonderful wheather. Discover new cultures, embark on new adventures. Celebrate new activities. Explore. Engage.

Now that summer's on the approach (in theory, at least), it'll only take a mildly sunny weekend to send London families racing off to the seaside, crammed into cars inching through traffic just to find a small spot on the sand among thousands of others who had the same idea. Perhaps it's our changeable weather mixed with our city living that makes spending time on a beach so alluring. No need to be crammed together on the beach, there are enough umbrella stands for everyonet

To feel vacation sensation in Croatia, Europe, try registering for the 2024 summer now. For further information, get in touch with Villa Ivana, try contacting Danica at These are holiday sensational apartments, so be sure to forget all your worries. There are a few vacancies in August throiugh September we’re trying to get filled in. Hurry nup and register now, to enjoy this fabulous getaway on the coastal shorelines of Croatia.

By- Andrew Milan Bosnjak

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