absolute paradise

Unknot yourself from the city life


     Relax with us at Villa Ivana, in a remote town called Ostricka Luka, Kanica. It is very modest, very fair, very adequate, it will supremely satisfy your ultimate desired destination for a vacation. Get air conditioned, with Television, with multiple language channels. Why watch television, when you can enjoy the natural life more outside in nature? If you are up for the adventure, go cliff jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3VPQxipEDk, which is quite adventurous.

Natural sun tanning deluxe


     Desperate for a decent vacation? Crave the Villa Ivana apartments. First off, it is very anonymous getting a very dark sun tan at Villa Ivana https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOcU5oTYEHA. To the utmost, you will be very fond with the natural dark and attractive tan at Villa Ivana's beach/ plaza. It is very sunny, so be sure to bring enough sun tanning lotion. Sun tanning or simply tanning is the process whereby skin color is darkened or tanned.


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