Enjoy the seaside,
Villaivana is the very first house next to the beach in Ostricka Luka, Croatia. Discover the ultimate vacation in a beautiful villa in a remote location.
Villaivana is the very first house next to the beach in Ostricka Luka, Croatia. Discover the ultimate vacation in a beautiful villa in a remote location.
If you drive about an hour north of villa Ivana torwards Sibenik there is a well known bungee jumping venue. It is located on the bridge just before the exit to Skradin and Krka falls national park. Actually you can see Skradin from the bridge. Experience all this, and more at Villaivana.
The best place to snorkel is right along the beach in front of villa Ivana out towards the bay in either direction. There is a large grotto and semi cavernous shore line is facing the open Adriatic Sea and the island Vis, but is still within the bay of Kanica. It takes about 30 minutes to get there if you swim from Villa Ivana by snorkeling. Otherwise, if you brought a small boat it would take less than 5 minutes. If you walk along shore it would take you about 10 minutes.; likewise, If you kayak to this point it would take about the same amount of time.
Some of the activities that guests can take part in at or near villa ivana.
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