
Experience the fine tasting Croatian Wine and Food


   Croatia offers wine-tasting tours that rival those of both France and Italy. Thanks to the perfect vine-growing climate in the Danube region, Croatian vineyards are able to produce great-tasting wine that is wildly underrated. With dozens of wine clubs to join, visitors have the opportunity to sample all that the region has to offer. What goes with great wine? Great food; delicious Caviar. Croatia offers amazing Mediterranean cuisine, inspired by Italy and often prepared in a home-cooked style.

Escalating vacation


     Surprise your family and friends by reserving fantastic villas at Villa Ivana in Croatia. This is a huge package, all in one simple reservation. Escape the chaotic, occupied, loud city life; instead, relax to the utmost at these sensational villas. Every tourist falls in love with Villa Ivana, so why wouldn't you too? Attempt to grab hold of an empty week or two, and live a paradise vacation in joy.

Wonderful vacation


     Desperate for a vacation? Crave the Villa Ivana apartments, next to the most refreshing part of the Adriatic Sea. Get more fun out of vacationing with Villa Ivana on a beach, encompassing the refreshing Adriatic Sea, redeem yourself.


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