Blog používateľa andrew

Top beach vacation


     Soak your body in the most refreshing part of the Adriatic Sea, dry off on sun bed chairs in the sun and work on your darkest natural tan. Let your discreet and quested services be fulfilled, all tourists just want to have fun under the sun. Everything you'd want in a summer vacation will be immediately in front of you. Behold, embrace every valuable moment of endless vacation fun. It is such a jaw-dropping and enticing getaway vacation at Villa Ivana with the sizzling sun plus the resilient and refreshing Adriatic Sea at your footsteps.

Vacation delight


     All aboard, booking for Apartment #3 is now available for 2023 August, through September bookings. Claim your reservations, now... Bring the whole family and friends. Everybody deserves a merry getaway vacation. Escape all the troubles in life, live, enjoy, and relax your marvellous vacation days at Villa Ivana,

Relax on a beach


      Free yourself from the hectic work days, embellish the simple beach life. Every tourist that has reserved apartments with us, are very proud with the results, so reserve a spot now. Vacation at Villa Ivana in Ostricka Luka Kanica, Croatia is simply the most gratifiying and simply the best beach in Croatia's atmosphere, nevertheless. Enjoy obtaining the darkest tan, enjoy eating the most delicious foods grilled off Villa Ivana's finest provided barbecue.

Top vacation


     Simply relax, live, and enjoy the best quality vacation on a beach, in Croatia.  Villa Ivana will certainly please your delights, Offering every guest a beach lounging lay-back chair, enough space on the beach to caress the family with friends, and the most beautiful views. Get out of the chaotic cities and enjoy the simple life on the beach of Croatia's atmosphere.

Escape the crowded cities


     Soak your body in the most refreshing part of the Adriatic Sea, dry off on sun bed chairs in the sun and work on your lovely dark tan. Let your discreet and quested services be fulfilled at these four dominant Ante and Andrew's Beachfront apartments, everybody just wants to have fun in the sun on the beach of the most refreshing Adriatic Sea. Everything you'd want in a summer vacation will be immediately in front of you.


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