Le blog de andrew

Enjoy the seaside,


     Villaivana is the very first house next to the beach in Ostricka Luka, Croatia. Discover the ultimate vacation in a beautiful villa in a remote location.

Enjoy life at this villa more


     Love a free sunset views with a bottle of sparkling Champagne for that totally natural experience in the calm, natural, soothing, aqua waters of the Adriatic Sea, complements of Villa Ivana. Redeem yourself from the chaotic city life, and simply enjoy your vacation at Villa Ivana in Ostricka Luka Kanica, Croatia with the closest natural sympathy. Croatia is a top vacation sensation destination. Why not spend it on a beach?

Release yourself, Enjoy life more at Villa Ivana in Sevid, Croatia

Is your life chaotic? Busy? Filled with too many obligations and too much stress? Then you need to escape to the secret serenity of Villa Ivana, serenely nestled away in the foothills of Croatia on the crystal clear blue Adriatic Sea. Enjoy the charm of local towns with cobblestone roads with their exquisite restaurants, shops, and entertainment.

Unknot yourself from the city life


     Relax with us at Villa Ivana, in a remote town called Ostricka Luka, Kanica. It is very modest, very fair, very adequate, it will supremely satisfy your ultimate desired destination for a vacation. Get air conditioned, with Television, with multiple language channels. Why watch television, when you can enjoy the natural life more outside in nature? If you are up for the adventure, go cliff jumping https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3VPQxipEDk, which is quite adventurous.


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